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This Participant handbook is designed to enable training for the Qualification Pack (QP) for Cutter (Goods and Garments) vide Reference ID: LSS/Q5301 published by LSSC.

This course encompasses all 6 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Cutter (Goods and Garments)” Qualification Pack issued by “SSC: Leather Sector Skill Council”. Each NOS is covered across one unit/s.

This book is designed for up-grading the knowledge and skills for working as a ‘Cutter’ in the Leather Industry. This book will provide the necessary knowledge and skill inputs for an operator to work in an organized and disciplined manner by following safe working practices, good housekeeping, effective communication, documentation and work ethics.

Upon successful completion of this course the the participant will be able to:

  1. Carry out basic operations before the actual cutting process
  2. Cut components to produce leather goods
  3. To maintain the work area tools and machines
  4. To meet the quality requirements
  5. Comply with safety, health and security
  6. Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational requirements.

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Leather Sector Skill Council #81, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungabakkam, Chennai – 600034 Tamil Nadu
Email Id: [email protected] | Phone Number: +91 44 49920006.

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Leather Sector Skill Council #81, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungabakkam, Chennai - 600034 Tamil Nadu
Email Id: [email protected] | Phone Number: +91 44 49920006.

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