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ABOUT Leather industry

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Leather industry in India is a $12. billion business which produces 10% of the world’s leather goods. Being the second largest producer of footwear and leather garments in the world the industry is expected to grow at a 24% per annum growth in the next five years.

This industry has been one of the key sectors currently employing 3.09 million and is slated to employ more than 6.8 million by 2022.  55% of the workforce is below 35. These additional jobs require skilled workforce to meet the industry demand for productivity, quality and competitiveness.

However, the biggest problem confronting the industry in the country is the shortage of skilled workers for the manufacturing of leather goods using processes like clicking, cutting, tanning and other latest technologies.  There is a huge skill gap in various parts of the leather goods value chain, which need to be addressed. This includes the leather goods sector as well as ancillary industries, such as tanneries, and sales channels, such as modern retail, including organised market and e-commerce.

The ongoing schemes undertaken by various departments of the government show a lot of promise to get the country’s leather sector on par with the global standards and compete with the best.  In a boost to the industry, the govt. has waived off the import duty on machinery required for production. Also, a 100% FDI is being permitted for starting leather goods manufacturing units in the country.

Industry at a glance

  • 12 billion dollars - total size of current industry
  • 24% projected growth in next 5 years.
  • employment growth : 2.39 million per annum

Advantage India

  • 32 % of world’s livestock population
  • 100% FDI through automatic route
  • 0% import duty on hides and skins
  • 10% world's production from India
1350Completed Projects
3200Lines of Coding
28Team Members
1300Happy Clients

Future Technologies

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Quality Guaranteed Layouts

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Video & Animation

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Build amazing sites using Historia

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Rock-solid backend functionality

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Leather Sector Skill Council #81, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungabakkam, Chennai – 600034 Tamil Nadu
Email Id: [email protected] | Phone Number: +91 44 49920006.

Contact us

Leather Sector Skill Council #81, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungabakkam, Chennai - 600034 Tamil Nadu
Email Id: [email protected] | Phone Number: +91 44 49920006.

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